Convalescent Home Ministry Helps

We have been in the Convalescent Home Ministry for more than 20 years. In that time we have developed helps that we would like to share with anyone who is conducting Convalescent Home services or wishes to do so. If you are just getting started, we suggest that you work alongside us for a while. Watch and learn what we do, adapt it to your own style, and if you are so led, go with a team to open a new service somewhere. There will always be a nursing home needing worship services. Or just stay with us.

We started in 1992 by creating from an old hymnal a songbook, Hymns for Senior Adults, with about 60 hymns in very large print. We also made a companion book, The Guitar is a Rhythm Instrument, with a very simplified guitar chord structure that virtually anyone can play.

In 2010 we updated Hymns for Senior Adults and The Guitar is a Rhythm Instrument into a combined songbook containing both the hymns and some more modern worship songs, in the largest font possible to fit one song per page. We are striving to update and revise this edition in our “spare time”.

Some of the songs advise the use of a capo for the proper sing-along key. For piano players, we would help with the acquisition of an electronic keyboard capable of changing keys. Our current piano player loves this.
For believers wishing to embark on a Convalescent Home Ministry we will figure out a way to reproduce what we have and provide it to you. The 2010 book is available in PDF and is suitable for printing on a HP LaserJet 4300 printer or equivalent. A current but unfinished version is available in PDF.

The 2010 combined songbook book requires a CCLI license to use legally.